Thursday, 31 July 2008


What a mess I've gotten myself into...

 I don't usually regret making such choices, but this an exceptional case... And I should have seen it coming...

The things that I have to sacrifice in order to make way, I am not prepared... 

Enough said... 

★Daddy = Warrior★

With all the recent events, trying to keep low profile seems much harder than how it used to be...
Before, as long as I don't make an appearance with Dad, I don't get recognised that much...
But now, It doesn't seem to be like that anymore....

Went to the court for the very first time, for a case that dad attended as a witness... (am not planning to go into details with the case, don't want things to get political in here ^^)
But the way the respondent's lawyer questioned dad, it was more like as if dad's the one on trial...  >__<"""
it was full house in the court that day, and gosh, the whole thing was for 3 hours!!! and it was only Dad as witness....
not bad though, although it got a bit annoying and boring at some point, but we had a good laugh now and then, cause Dad was very clever with his words and oh my, the lawyer is a bit 'off'

anyway, enough with the case, you'll never know who will bump into my blog... >__<

the same night, We had a briefing in HQ about the reply for the 'motion' (for those who were updated, you'll know what is it about)
at the end of Dad's speech, he was surrounded by reporters, took a picture of it, but for privacy sake, I rather not upload it here, no matter how cool the picture is... ^^

★Can't get enough of this feeling★

I really wanted to blog in chinese... but I still couldn't work out how to type chinese with my new macbook...*silly me*
oh well... will have to make do for now... lucky for those who can't ready chinese *ehem*

been home since 26th Sat... and it has been good so far... ^^
minus the awful turbulence, long hours flight, jet-lag, and random illness..... >__<

been busy with the Azurous event, which will be on 22nd Aug... so which means, will be in KL for a week or so for the event... quite hard to get things done, harder than i expected...

So far, other than that, managed to spend some quality time with my silly one... He lost a lot of weight and tanned.. finally i'm the fairer one now ^^
Only been apart for few months but somewhat felt like ages... 
But I still love the feeling of seeing each other again after a while... Seeing the little changes in each other...

Am so glad to be home...

Monday, 21 July 2008

★Image Designs★

These 2 Images, the blush is higher up above the cheekbones

These 4 images, for eyebrow designs reference, can be combined to produce another type of designs to match our theme

These 3 images are for extra head pieces.. but this idea doesn't have to apply to all models...

All these images are for references, could use own imaginations to develop it further.... but these are the sort of stuff that i think could be different but match with most designs...

Sunday, 13 July 2008

★Time with Parents★

I'm in london!!!
just got here with my mom and dad... daddy drove us down with our comfortable rented car from Manchester...
dropped by Leicester for lunch with Auntie Sue and Uncle Andrew... then drove down to London and am now at Auntie Theresa's house...

Parents arrived on Friday early morning... Spent some time making my flat more like a home... Dad took a walk around alone while me and Mom busy tidying up the flat and their luggages...was a bit worried that he insisted on walking alone, but he hasn't been back to Manchester for a VERY long time...
the next day, we went to IKEA, sort of just made our way there by accident cause we actually wanted to check out Old Trafford where Daddy used to go for college....

Anyway, it's been a long day, and so will tomorrow be....gonna go to Central London and maybe go to the river bank.... ciao till then peeps!

Sunday, 6 July 2008

★Movie Sunday★

Today, my day off...after all the moving yesterday and working 4 nights in a row, i was totally knackered when i got home...

wanted to go to town earlier to get stuff, but in the end, only arrived when shops are closing already...

supposed to watch SATC finally today with J and Raa.... BUT!!! Raa couldn't make it cause he's got unexpected visitors.... so J and I went anyway... got there, and the next one is 2 hours away!!! Raa owes us two now!
so, in the end, we watched Hancock instead...

Before the movie, we couldn't resist trying out the clamping machines... we tried quite a few times and didn't get any >__<>__<

finally, back to Hancock... I didn't know what to expect from this movie, but i have to say, it was good...could have been better, but it's good... ^^ funny but not shallow....and Charliez Theron is hot!!! totally loved the bit when Hancock tried hurting her...

Anyway, tomorrow's Linda's graduation, can't wait to go and camwhore with her!

Saturday, 5 July 2008

★Lancaster House★

Due to some people not able to understand mandarin, I will post in English once a while ^^

tonight is my last night in Student Village, am moving back to 35 Lancaster House... where I used to live in 2006 with Jun.... how i miss those days... >__<

Have been cleaning, tidying, unpacking in Lancaster House since Monday... things are looking better now, but still a lot to unpack...

After this post, I won't be able to post soon... won't be having internet yet at my new/old home...

take care~~~

Tuesday, 1 July 2008


今天。。。签了合约,拿了钥匙,就和Aik Pin开始进行世纪大扫除!



房间里。。。灰尘。。。蜘蛛网。。。垃圾。。。只差没有昆虫。。。Thank goodness!

