Past few days, I've been getting my hands into
sketching, drawing, putting ideas together, sampling
and it goes on and on and on...
This design project is due in a week! *EEK!!!*
still got sooo much to do, but quite excited bout how it'll turn out~~~
this is sort of my first attempt doing things this way,
cause i'm somehow being known as the asian lil' kid
with simple-looking designs, but somehow hard-ass to construct >_<
i bet the technicians just LURVE me... Ha ha ha...

Promostyl has always been THE book to look at
before u start any designs!
no wonder they cost hell lot for each season >_<
took inspirations from some of the informations in Promostyl,
decided to go mineral, organic, AMORPHOUS is the word...
Did a quick modeling on the stand with some sampling I did...
mind the crap bodice, it's just a pile of calico on the dummy,
don't want dummy to go naked in front of the camera *shy*
I was THAT close to loosing my toolbox today in ZARA,
don't wanna elaborate, but I had a panic attack and I was gonna vomit!
It's such a posh black leather case, I know it's lovely,
but please don't ever disappear again.
Finally, get to skype with B after what seems like ages...
CNY must be so busy back home for him to be this busy *jealous*
Spending CNY in uk, definitely not the first for me..
but it has always makes me wanna be home >_<
I love dressing up and going to different places with mom and dad
I love the lion dances and hearing them from miles away
I love seeing my cousins and friends, gossiping and shopping
of course, I love the ang pau-ssssss as well! who doesn't!
I was home last year and managed to spend CNY as well
but it was so different, compared to before I left to UK
Very different, from when Grandma was still around
I still get a bit emotional when it comes to her
I bet I'm not the only onee.
Miss you popo,
Love you forever.
As mentioned before,
I'm actually still on skype with B
but B is still in bed... hehee...
it's already 11am back home! WAKE UP!
It's funny sometimes, to see B toss and turn in his sleep
*don't hear me wrongly, I DO NOT stare at the window and look at him sleeping*
Just every now and then... hahaha
B is just too adorable!
No wonder I love him so much ♥