Wednesday, 25 August 2010

. 活得精彩 . Live a Splendid Life .

Collaborated with Skyler Liew to shoot the two dresses I've made.
Telling stories through the pictures, is what he does, and it's pretty much his signature really.

摄影 Photographer :Skyler Liew
服装设计 Designer :Yvonne Yong
发型设计Hair Stylist :Rachel Lin
化妆 Makeup Artist :Hannah Tai


There is always a spot for me, I believe.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

. Compilation .

Some styling for photoshoots I've done when I was in Manchester last year. Thought it would be nice to compile a selection in my newly revived blog.
Will be posting more work soon!

Photographer : Asha Walczak
MUA : Dora Chan
Model : Jodie Williamson

Photographer : Emilie Fanara
MUA : Deborah Lawson
Model : Amy Finnimore

Photographer : Edward Lui
MUA : Hannah Frances
Model : Lauren Ruddick

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

. It's me .

This is so long overdue, and I've meant to come back to this, just not sure for what purpose anymore.
Have thought of closing this one down and get a new one mainly for work and lifestly maybe, rather than just me going on and on about what I did and duh duh duh....... but oh well, why not just divert the route a little from this little old blog of mine.

Just a lil' update, I've been back to my motherland for good (sort of), and now whoala! I'm back in the UK!!! Even better yet, I'm in LONDON~~~~~~ sadly, it's only for a few months, but it is better than not being back here at all! Halfway through my stay here now, and enjoying it to the bits!!!

Okay, I'll post some pics up soon, I thought I'll just make an effort to make a start to revive my blog!

Signing off now~~~ class tomorrow and still gotta cut some fabric out before I head to bed.
