What is one of the best thing ever for a girl?
and what is the bonus?
Not stepping out of the house and still get pretty stuff for good price!!!!
hehe... my cuzzie started this online shopping for bags for a while... and g
osh, I just can't stop browsing through them, shortlist them, and give myself more troubles in making up my mind >___<
pity B, being forced to help me decide ^^
Just ordered 4 bags!!! and that's out of a loooong wish list...
but one can never disagree (and dare not to) that a girl can NEVER have enough bags... or shoes!
I'll get these 2 one day... maybe next order...*wink*

ONE of what I'm getting ^____^ can't wait to carry them!!! too bad I can't shop for shoes like this...
oh! in case you're wondering, here's the website http://polkahousepolka.blogspot.com
but i've already added the link as my fav read anyway...

i just checked out the link, wahhh so many bags!!! so nice also! hahaha damn i m going back soon already
LOL i knew you will move again
just went to ur wretch acc last night
well i'm still using my xanga to blog eventhough i have a blogspot acc. that's for publishing download links only :P
hehee....blogspot easier to post ma...
my wretch i think gonna be invalid soon lo... LOL
from xanga to wretch then to blogspot
hmmm... i wonder where will i go next! LOL
thanks to promote my site...haha...
welcome ^__^
discounts yea....*wink*
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