I've been wandering alone around town a lot lately... Sometimes with a purpose in mind, and then it just became a habit..... it might sound a bit sad, walking alone in town, with all these crowds around you. Don't get me wrong, I like walking in town alone... just not when it's too busy... ^__^
I walked passed Swarovski one day, and I had to stop and turn back cause something at the window display just caught my attention.... It's this Bambi collection that they have! I just had to walk in to the store and I was like OMG!!! Bambi!!! and there THUMPER!!! oh and Flower the skunk!!! I totally adored them...I told myself, one day I'm gonna get them and have a pretty display area for them in my home....

Then, of course there's a winnie the pooh collection as well... which has been out for a while.... but somehow Piglet looked even more cuter that day... did they have a new winnie the pooh collection out? Anyway, I thought this Piglet looked exactly like the one B got for me from this toy clamping maching in London....
totally irresistible.....
wait for me babies~~~~~~~~
the thumper is so adorable!!! but this kinda display have to wait till we actually have a place of our owN!
haha... yeah... Thumper *heart*
aiyoh..dream dream also can ma... hehe...
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