Been making a Balenciaga dress and finally handed in the garment and technology file last Friday. Been working on it since the term started, been in uni practically on every available days, and yet, I still didn't manage to finish everything on the criteria... I missed one out of the many... >___<
but it was a big burden off my shoulders.... with a design deadline on the same day as well, everyone was stressing out *EEEK!!*
And people would have thought, handed this garment in and finally we could relax...
straight away we have a new design brief... and also 2 outfits to make!!! even though they are only due in early next term... but still!!!! >___<
oh! not to mention that we have this Anthropometric assignment which we have 3 essays to write.....
hm... ok ok.. this blog is getting a bit stressful and boring......
let's get on to something more interesting~~~
my birthday is coming up~~~~~~~ can't be bothered to think of a new way of celebrating my birthday... so am just gonna stick to the traditional way, that's getting wasted!!!
booked a place for my party, so all my friends can just come and enjoy getting drunk ^__^ let's just hope that there's someone to carry me home.... *fingers crossed*
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